Please share your thoughts about the King of Pop. This is a "Tribute-to-Mike" so haters stay away. There are plenty other forums and blogs on the Internet that you can post your displeasure and/or disdain for Mike, that is definitely your perrogative, but not here. Negative comments will not be debated, they will simply be deleted and your IP address will be blocked from further communicating with this blog.
My memories go back to the Jackson 5 cartoon and the little pet snake. I recall the Jackson 5 variety show and the appearances on all the top tv shows back in the day .. Carol Burnett, Merv Griffin, Cher, and many others. We took Mike and the Jacksons for granted because we always expected and received the best. There were groups that tried to emulate the Jacksons, ie. The Osmond Brothers, Debarge, and many others who all fell way short. Most of those groups pretty much knew they were not in the same class, and most of the initial hoopla was created by the record companies attempting to promote the artist as the "next Jackson 5." There was never any competition.
As great an entertainer as Mike was, most will not appreciate his true genious until now, and the years to come. Mr. Jackson was undoubtedly placed on this earth to entertain, to bring joy to people.
Those who were not fans of MJ and want to say spurrious things about the King of Pop, know this .. a Spirit that leaves such a legacy of spreading joy and good will cannot be an evil one. It's impossible. Evil spirits leave tragedy, chaos, death, and confusion in their sojouorn to earth. Good spirits leave love, compassion, and joy in their wake, and as part of their legacy. You cannot positively affect one quarter to one half of the poputation of the Earth and be a bad seed. There's just no way.
We love you Mike! You've earned your rest!

There will never be another.
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