The Music of Michael Jackson: CDs, DVDs, Books and more! Exp 8/30/09
Please share your thoughts about the King of Pop. This is a "Tribute-to-Mike" so haters stay away. There are plenty other forums and blogs on the Internet that you can post your displeasure and disdain for Mike, but not here. Negative comments won't even be debated, they will simply be deleted and your IP address will be blocked from further communicating with this blog.
I am writing to other true MJ fans. Ignore the negative people because if we simply don't respond, their words lose their effectiveness.
There are 100s of 1000s of people who simply don't like MJ, and there is nothing we can say to change their minds. It's their perogative, they can say whatever they want to say, but their comments mean absolutely nothing if they are ignored. Simply don't comment on them, just act like the comments are not there. Then the MJ antagonist will be left to wonder if we are actually seeing his or her comment. They would begin to question whether their computer is working properly.
I tell my kids all the time, it takes a FOOL to argue with a FOOL, and you cannot win an argument with someone who has malice in their hearts. The people that are making pernicious statements about Mr. Jackson are perfect. They don't make any mistakes in their lives and will ascend straight to heaven when their lives are over, so who are we to argue with them. They live in Glass Houses and can throw stones but we dare not throw stones back at them. They have no character flaws so how dare we try to debate with them about MJ. Let them say what they wish to say and all of us loyal Michael fans, we'll talk amongst ourselves. That way, the perfect people, who have every right to criticize Michael, they can talk to each other and we won't get in each others way. Loyal MJ fans, we make mistakes, we have flaws, that is why we are spirits that chose to experience a human existence, to perfect our souls. The perfect people, who again, have every right to hate, to critique, to tarnish, anyone they choose, evidently, have already perfected their souls, at least they think so. Why else would they continue to take the low road? These are people that consistently go against the grain, oftentimes just to be different. Every where they go, there is chaos and confusion.
The malicious statements being made about MJ come from Grey Entities, or spirits that have a lot more work to do. Mike's spirit, by no means, is perfect, however, his spirit is extremely powerful and is much closer to the Creators than many of ours. Why? Because very few spirits can touch so many lives in a positive manner as the spirit of MJ did. This didn't happen because he could dance, or because he could sing, his monumental effect on the world occured because of the strength of his spirit, the maturity of his soul. If Mike's sojurn on this earth was an evil one; if Mike was a "Grey Entitiy", mass devastation would have been his legacy, and not love. A Grey Entity leaves devastation in its wake, not LOVE .. A Jim Jones, for example, and Idi Amin, and if history is fair, a George W. Bush, those are Grey entities and you clearly see the path of destruction left after their demise.
R.I.P. Mike, and read this blog if you want to connect to kindred spirits here on earth!
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